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Find4j Formerly Javasearch Guh Get For Mac

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Find4j Formerly Javasearch Guh Get For Mac

Contents. Remember Lots Wife Long-Term Botter Report → moved from how many months will it take until it's banned? It's a bot goddamnit. 16:57, 1 April 2009 (UTC) it is in FA for ages. Very disturbing, and not great for the teammates.

18:01, 1 April 2009 (UTC) I've never seen that one (I also haven't done Aspenwood in a while), but it was reported on the page back in late December. Maybe start making duplicate reports there with date and time. 18:36, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Done. I hope they ban him/her/it fast. 19:04, 1 April 2009 (UTC) According to the team, this issue was addressed just today.

Thanks for your patience. 23:09, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Am I reading that right? Six months of botting infamy from that account finally removed permanently from Fort Aspenwood???:D - 02:04, 2 April 2009 (UTC) Wooooo! Finally anet got him! Great work:D 03:50, 2 April 2009 (UTC) 6 months of botting.

13:39, 2 April 2009 (UTC) (Reset indent) Hi Gaile, Please extend a note of gratitude to the GMs who reviewed the evidence and made the call on this one. It evidently took some doing, but I've been watching the responses in Fort Aspenwood outposts lately and can honestly say that there are quite a large number of legitimate players who really appreciate the improvement brought about by the removal of the offending account from Guild Wars. 00:21, 18 April 2009 (UTC) WarBlade, I'm sorry, I totally missed this note.

It's really nice of you to write, and I'm glad that players noticed that.err. Removal.;) We've been discussing the whole situation at our Live Team meetings. The team is definitely sensitive to the concerns and hopes to have solutions in the future. 05:47, 23 April 2009 (UTC) Issues with sending in support ticket Hi Gaile! I've been having some problems with the new NCsoft website. I kinda forgot my password and my secret question, so I decided to open a ticket.

It stated that if my email address was not recognised when sending in the ticket, I would have to register that address. Since I did remember the email attached to my plaync account, I entered that and then send in the ticket. But it directed me to a registration page, asking me to register my email address. Weird, I thought, my address should already be in the database.

I tried re registering the address, only to find out 'it was already in the database'. So now I can't log in and can't contact support. Help me Support team, you are my only hope! ^^ 08:04, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Hay, PB, could you do me a fave?

Drop me a note through the 'email this user' on this page and give me your email address (and user name, if you don't mind - NOT password, of course;) ) in the email, so I can ask the team to start a ticket and contact you. 23:26, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Gwen-chan camera bug Not sure where to tell this. When in first person mode, the camera appears to look through the ground with a somewhat messed up view.

Otherwise, thanks for the fun! 13:38, 1 April 2009 (UTC) It's only gonna be a 24 hour bug, so it will get fixed when the gwen-chan thing reverts to normal. 13:50, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Yeah, I know. That's why I didn't bother mentioning it to main support. Maybe it can be dealt with for future mini-sized avatars. Imagine playing an Asuran in GW2, or some other yet to be known smallish race.

17:01, 1 April 2009 (UTC) By the way Gaile, love the Gwen Chan April fools thingy. 17:48, 1 April 2009 (UTC) I agree - it's a great prank!:) Oh, and I will let the team know about the camera for future reference. 18:21, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Please, please, please, please, tell them to make Gwen-chan into a tonic aswell. 18:26, 1 April 2009 (UTC) I'm with you on that! - 22:30, 1 April 2009 (UTC) Linsey said in-game they knew about the issue with the camera, but the only way to fix it would be making gwen-chan bigger, and the bigger she gets the creepier she looks, so they decided to leave it in. 13:58, 2 April 2009 (UTC) Gaile,i need help!!! Account Terminated for RMT hello Dear Gaile!It said my guild wars account was terminated for using a bot or other 3rd-party program.I swear never use other programs, and I dont know what happened.

Please verify carefully. Thank you.why u guys sure i used an illegal third party program.i only long times online plays the game.i dont know what i do let GM think about that.im a consumer and player, never undermine the rules.Reference(075)- 03:40, 3 April 2009 (UTC) Dear Gaile!I swear!My network is not RMT,I did not use the 3rd-party program!- 10:29, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Please contact support with your appeal; I will not intercede in this issue. 02:27, 14 April 2009 (UTC) can i get banned for. Selling (other) game access key for Guild Wars Gold Selling an unused Call of Duty 5 cdkey I got for in game gold? It's like reverse RMT i guess.

I'm too lazy to ebay the game it so i thought i might as well sell the key for $GW. Is that bannable tho?

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- 04:49, 3 April 2009 (UTC) Yes, I think you could be considered a RMT here, because you're trading an in-game item for what is, essentially, a real world commodity. Or vice versa.:) I have a meeting with our Legal Counsel tomorrow, and I could ask him, but everything in my mind points to this being disallowed, just as selling a GW Buddy Key is strictly disallowed. 04:52, 3 April 2009 (UTC) yeah i just didn't know if it was vice versa since it's not even a gw key. I just hate dealing with ebay = maybe i'll craigslist it. 04:55, 3 April 2009 (UTC) It's an odd one as it depends on if the cd key can be considered to be a real world commodity or a virtual commodity. As if its the latter you are trading one virtual commodity for another virtual commodity, however that being said its also for a different game so that brings in more considerations. Personally I would be very cautious about this as I think it could quite easily be bannable.

21:09, 3 April 2009 (UTC) I know people who offer to trade Guild Wars accounts for XYZ Game or ABC other-game commodity are considered in breach of the User Agreement, so I think this would be a no-no. I completely forgot to ask during the meeting, and I do apologize. I'll check and post an answer as soon as I hear back. 03:20, 5 April 2009 (UTC) I would say this is just a item which is buyed ingame for ingame money but its a real life product which makes that it is real life money based product which makes it no legal to buy it.

For example this would allow people to buy reallife games on ebay so that they can trade it for ingame gold. And thats kind of the same as just buying reallife money. But then throw first buying a game and then trading this game for the Item. 06:02, 7 April 2009 (UTC) Basic rule: if real money or goods are involved, it's not allowed. Easy to remember. 05:57, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Meh, so it is actually bannable when I give treats to my friends who don't GW anymore to give me their accounts.

07:39, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Quick Question. What telephone number should I use? I'm makeing an NCSoft Master acount, so I can buy the bonus mission pack. Problem is, I don't have a phone number. What do I put, my Mom's?

(555)-555-5555?- 14:22, 3 April 2009 (UTC) My guess would be any number they could contact you at, should the need arise. So something like a home phone or a parents cell phone (with their permission) should work.

15:55, 3 April 2009 (UTC) Please feel free to use a telephone number at which you could be contacted (even with a relayed message through a relative) in the event that there was such a need, just as WT said. (It's very seldom needed, but it's something they need to have; in fact a credit card purchase may actually require that info, I'm not sure.) And after dealing with lost account issues for a few folks, I'd recommend that you use one that you can remember if, some time down the road, you need help from Support. A phone number isn't 'proof of ownership,' but it's one point of data that may help establish that an account does indeed belong to the person contacting us. Oh, and I'd also add, using fake information is really bad.

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I'm working with a guy this week who doesn't have access keys, can't remember the account name, forgot the password, and just doesn't recall much critical info about the account itself, either. Basically, 'I had a Guild Wars account, don't know anything about it, can you find it for me?' (Answer: We'd like to, but probably not.:( ) So if I can use this as a soap box: Always use real information with signing up for NCsoft and Guild Wars accounts.

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The information is kept confidential, and it's to your best interests to have real info associated with your account!:) - 01:59, 9 April 2009 (UTC) Gaile please help me Account Terminated for RMT Hi dear Gaile,sorry to distrub you,because my guild wars account was blocked for an account issue,I sent many letters to GM but haven't response,my friend said u can help me.The day before my account blocked,it was very lag and I have reboot my modem three or four more times. My IP have changed cause of that.Because network operator provide the dynamic IP address here.So my IP address variation perhaps made my account suspect.Maybe GM thought I was sold my account.Perhaps there were some Gold-Sellers and who sell the gold or his account for real-money,but I swear it was not my case.I never want to sell my valuable account.So I promise you dear Gaile,please help me.Thank you very very very much. Reference(030)- 12:12, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Please contact support with your appeal; I will not intercede in this issue. 02:26, 14 April 2009 (UTC) Account blocked Dear, loved and wonderfull Gaile, I am innocent. I swear I never intended to do anything bad when I connected to Billy Joe Mac Diamond' H@XxORs site! I must leave now cause my computer is bloated with malwares but plllleeease, unblock my account!

I swear I will stop using third party programms on that account. You are beautifull and your favorite color is also my favorite color. YsEr@N ( my other name is Invincible Black Shadowz Of The Death That Kill 'til you'r Dead 2000 XXX plus, SF ftw )- 12:11, 4 April 2009 (UTC) My spidey sense is tingling!

I'm sensing someone is taking the mickey. 12:16, 4 April 2009 (UTC) I have a problem when someone says 'I never intended to do anything bad when I connected to a hack site'. The sole reason to go to a hack site is to find a way to cheat.

Sugar coating it with sweet talk is just insulting Gaile's intelligence. If I were you, I would resign myself to kissing that account goodbye.

12:21, 4 April 2009 (UTC) If it wasnt a joke I would not forget to tell him to stop posting on gaile page for no reason. YsEr@.err.i mean Yseron - 12:25, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Begging only works if you stand at the right intersection at the right time, when gullible rich people drive. Then you can go home and not have to work for the rest of the day. When was the last time some molester was let out of jail just because he swore he'll never do it again and that he didn't intend anything bad to that kid in the first place? What's done is done.

Begging in GW or on the wiki never gets you anything more than annoyed ST.U's. Except offers to cyber for ectos if you're a female ele 18:16, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Guys, your intellect is scaring me there.

You understood that my account have never been blocked, did you? Yseron - 18:56, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Then why is the topic titles 'Account blocked' and you're begging them to 'plllleeease' unblock it? Your writing skills are scaring me there. Oo 21:17, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Because the original poster is not Yseron and the post is (rather obviously.) a joke? 21:51, 4 April 2009 (UTC) Well, my bad, then.

I guess I haven't been here long enough to see through such 'obvious' jokes.:/ I have no clue who Yseron is, and I've come across plenty of people who actually would make posts like these in all seriousness. ^^ 04:17, 5 April 2009 (UTC) ROFL, I was wondering why you were all answering seriously.

It's clearly a parody of the number of requests which keep turning up on Gailes page, with people asking for their accounts to be saved depite them being numpties and breaking a whole host of rulesm thus why I said someone is taking the mickey. Guys at times, humour serious post. 12:56, 5 April 2009 (UTC) Lol. I'm also non-native to English, and have no clue what 'taking the mickey' means.:P Wyn also seemed quite serious there. Hate it when I miss culturally-dependent jokes. ^^ 17:20, 5 April 2009 (UTC) I'm a native english speaker and I have no idea what 'taking the mickey' means, either:P 18:12, 5 April 2009 (UTC) Oh bugger is 'taking the mickey' another british slang term? Please see the article on wikipedia which can be found - 21:19, 6 April 2009 (UTC) Please save my guildwars account → moved from Dear Gaile,I am sorry to distrub you but I need your help for my guildwars account.

It has been banned with the reason that i have used the illegale third party program. I have sent serveral letters to GM but the responses were always the same. I have never used this kind of program and before the termination of my account, I have just played UW SC run with other players for a whole day because I want to learn more about UW SC and different area. I think perhaps that's the reason which make my account suspect. Could you help to get my account back? My reference is #032 and my account is thank you in advance - The preceding comment was added by.

Please contact support with your appeal; I will not intercede in this issue. 02:27, 14 April 2009 (UTC) Wee suggestion Hello Gaile, after reading through this page, their seems to be a rather disturbing trend emerging, in that increasingly people seem to be thinking that they can circumvent supports decisions by going directly to you on your talk page and requesting you look into it. Now although I understand that you are the kinda person who likes to help people, I can also see that this could get out of hand quite quickly for you with your page beig inundated by people who want their bans lifted. Now although it is very nice of you to be going out of your way to help people in this manner and if you are happy to do so, thats great too, however I would respectfully suggest that maybe you should think about asking people to stop posting appeals on your page, as your work load if is already big enough, without people constantly pestering you on the wiki to lift bans after support has told them no repeatedly. Maybe adapt your welcome message to include a wee bit of blurb directing people with appeal concerns to request the matter be elevated via support following the correct line of management.

13:09, 5 April 2009 (UTC) 71 Hour Ban, First Offense- Is this normal? I was temporarily suspended for spamming on the trade channel today. This was not a mistake at all. I've played Guild Wars off and on with a few friends for a long while, but I've never really used the trade channel much (or even said much in general chats for that matter).

Today, I decided to sell an extra minipet I had and went kind of crazy with posting. It was my mistake; I stupidly tried to keep up with the fast moving chat.

My suspension, though, is for 71 hours. I was reading elsewhere that suspensions vary, with only a few hours for spam.

Is 71 hours normal for a first offense (especially for someone who really only uses guild chats)? I don't want my ban to be lifted, nor am I begging for it to be shortened. I accept that I made a mistake (a mistake that I'll be sure to not make again after this). I'm just curious. 03:22, 6 April 2009 (UTC) What exactly were you spamming?

If you were not spamming messages related to trade, then you probably deserved it. The trade channel is for trade, everything else goes in local. 03:25, 6 April 2009 (UTC) I was posting two things (forgot about the bow). The first said 'WTS Mini Pet Whiptail Devourer (Unded).' The other said pretty much the same thing about the bow. I think I posted in local a few times to see, but nowhere near a lot. I'm not arguing the suspension.

Just wondering out of curiousity if 71 hours is the norm for a first offense. 03:34, 6 April 2009 (UTC) You spammed local? 01:16, 14 April 2009 (UTC) The article on bans here says that 'The length of a ban is based on the severity of the the offense, and the past behavior of a player. As an example: A farming bot would be blocked forever, while a ban for spamming in towns (namely trade spam in local chat) would only be a few hours.'

Three days seems to be more than a few hours. 04:54, 6 April 2009 (UTC) Yes, LetoAtreides, that is the normal period of suspension for a first-time block, or for a block after all other account marks have expired. In the initial months after release of Guild Wars (Prophecies), Support sometimes placed a shorter block, one that lasted 24 hours. But what we learned was that a lot of people were not even noticing they had been blocked at all, and the intention of a block is to impose a consequence that also serves as a warning about unacceptable behavior. So yes, the block duration that you mention would be standard for the first mark.

I might suggest that the wording in the article on spamming should be amended accordingly. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. 06:40, 6 April 2009 (UTC) I've corrected the article based on your statement. 06:54, 6 April 2009 (UTC) No, that's all. Thanks for your help. That article kind of threw me off.- 14:33, 6 April 2009 (UTC) I substantially rewrote the article on several days ago, but I guess I forgot to mention that here.:) I hope the updated article is helpful. 02:25, 14 April 2009 (UTC) Hang in there Wow, I've been reading through earlier posts in this page, it's like 'I did someth wrong and was banned, but i dont want to be banned, do someth or i'll say you suck, this game sucks and.'

Hang in there! There are nice people in the world who can actually understand that there are rules, and there are consequences, and the people in charge of keeping them are not evil monsters from outer space:) 19:30, 6 April 2009 (UTC) Thanks for the note. You made me smile.:) - 02:39, 9 April 2009 (UTC) Gaile, might I ask something Terminated Account Question → moved from Can you please look into my ticket 066, I just filed it today.

I logged in to find I have been perma-banned 045. I believe this is in error. 02:26, 7 April 2009 (UTC) As I say and on my under What's a Support Liaison?, I am not the first route of appeal for any player. In fact quite honestly, I'm generally not a route of appeal at all.

For the most part, I get involved after Support has asked me to do so, or in the rare case where something needs another review as pointed out by the player or for larger policy reviews. It appears you posted this instantly upon filing a ticket, and the team has not even had a chance to respond to you. Please allow this issue to move through the process, as intended.

02:40, 7 April 2009 (UTC) My apologises. 02:48, 7 April 2009 (UTC) Not a problem. When someone is stressed - and I know an account block or ban is stressful - it's natural to reach out for help. I will be happy to offer help if it's necessary. But I have confidence that the team can assist you, and it's best to have them do so. Thanks for understanding. 03:21, 7 April 2009 (UTC) I found out what went wrong, there was a recent discussion I looked over on your page in regards to running two versions of Guild Wars at the same time.

I explained the situation in my email (though I really upset, more than one probably should in this situation) could you/someone try to make the gray area with third party programs a lot more defined. I used a GWx2 under the impression it was as long as it didn't give an advantage 'Well, if it doesn't give an advantage in gameplay, the general rule has been you'd not have a mark placed on your account for doing so. Just keep in mind that there are risks associated with it and watch for fourth-party 'add ins' (like keyloggers) on your third-party program.'

Clearly, I must have used it in a manner that gave me an advantage, I don't believe I have but that's what happens when you base actions on gray area statements (no, that's not a dig at Gaile Gray). The rules regardless of what we read on the wiki or forums say 'You agree not to use any hardware or software, including but not limited to third party tools, or any other method of support which may in any way influence or advantage your use of the Service'.

I hope that other people who took part in the conversation I only watched take not that it can get you in trouble by using it. I accept that I used a program, I did it believing I wasn't doing anything to put myself at an advantage and I accept the outcome. I feel really crap right now, that was almost 2 years and so many hours. You can read what I sent to them, Gaile, I especially mean my closing paragraph: this is not a pleasant experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. Thanks for your time.

23:02, 7 April 2009 (UTC) Errr. I hope their is more to this than that, as almost everyone I know has used GWx2 at some point or another. I don't see how necessitating people to log onto multiple machines is in anyway different from logging onto multiple accounts on one machine. I really do think this needs clarified properly so I can inform my allaince, as currently people have been using gwx2 under the belief that its a handy tool which gives them no advantage as all it does is allows you to access 2 accounts at once. Which as you own 2 accounts, is your right to do so.

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All it changes is on what machine you are doing this. 23:15, 7 April 2009 (UTC) As a general rule, we do not block for the use of that program. We do block for botting. I will research this more fully tomorrow, but early research does not show this to be a block for playing two accounts, but for playing two accounts in an exploitative manner. Again, I won't say that is the cause until I know more. 23:46, 7 April 2009 (UTC) I appreciate the effort in looking into this, it is appreciated regardless of the outcome.

23:56, 7 April 2009 (UTC) (Reset indent) I am happy to try to help, but I will move this over to the Support Issues page, where it more properly belongs. Discussion can continue there, of course. 01:47, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Dear Gaile!My computer also has GWx2!It said my guild wars account was terminated for using a bot or other 3rd-party program.I swear never use other programs, and I dont know what happened.i only long times online plays the game.Reference#(075),My apologises.

Disturb you!!!:(- 06:53, 8 April 2009 (UTC) No, Black Cat, your computer runs a bot. I have seen the proof. Do not ask me to assist you again. 07:30, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Just popping in to say gl 0. You seem like a cool guy from Wiki, know you wouldn't bot. Hope you get this sorted out!:) 08:18, 8 April 2009 (UTC) Wow, this is very unfortunate, I hope this gets sorted out. I know someone who uses 2 accounts to 600/smite farm, is that 'legal?'

He controls both account by himself, no bots. If not, I'd like to know so I can tell him to stop before he loses his account, he plays with both of his kids and is a very helpful and nice player, and it would really suck if he got banned. 08:43, 8 April 2009 (UTC) He could achieve the same thing using a hero, except for the fact that he gets twice the drops if he uses a secondary account. And that sounds like an advantage to me. 13:54, 8 April 2009 (UTC) I hope you get unbanned =)- 16:07, 8 April 2009 (UTC) No, I believe I worked out what I did wrong.

Find4j Formerly Javasearch Guh Get For Mac